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Natural Family Co. Bio Toothbrush Twin Pack

The Natural Family Co. Bio Toothbrush is biodegradable along with its packaging. The handle is made from non-GMO corn starch with nylon bristles which are BPA free.

+ Use minimum pressure and brush in a circular motion.
+ Use with The Natural Family Co. toothpaste.
+ Replace toothbrush every 6-8 weeks or earlier if worn.
+ Replace after illness.
+ Rinse thoroughly before & after use.
+ Allow bristles to air dry.
+ Sterilise often. 

Disclaimer: NFco Bio Brushes are made from Cornstarch, a naturally occurring material that is robust for personal use, though may not have the strength of a traditional plastic toothbrush. Caution needs to be used when brushing teeth as heavy/hard brushing may cause the head to snap off. Please note that dentists recommend minimal pressure when brushing teeth to avoid issues like receding gums, enamel erosion and increased sensitivity of the teeth.

To find out more about all our NFco products, visit our dedicated NFco retail site!

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